The bigger question is what's going to happen to the music industry if people can pay iTunes prices and not have to visit iTunes to get the music they want? I bought the recording for 5 pounds. Combined with the processing surcharge, my purchase came out to be about $11. I think that is more than a fair price for a recording. It's what I pay at the used CD shops I frequent, and this time I know the money is directly going to Radiohead, and not the record store. (It's probably still a very small percentage, but it's probably more than it would be if I went through Borders Music or what have you.)
Still, I wish the download had come with liner notes and album cover art. What keeps me buying CDs still is the booklet that comes with the disc. I love to hold it in my hand, to look at the random art and to read about who the band thanks and the song lyrics. It's a big disappointment to open up the CD and find the booklet isn't even a booklet, but just a cover picture.
Someone came up with this for a cover art design. It's my favorite out of all I have seen.

Though, if you think of Radiohead as a doom-and-gloom style sort of band, these are sure to make you smile:

(Yes that is a My Little Pony on the cover of the first one, and Thom Yorke himself dressed up as a leprechaun on the second fan-made cover.)
I think there are a lot of people who feel the same as I do, and I'm not sure if name-your-price downloading will take off if it doesn't come with the liner notes. That's such an easy thing to add, though, and if it is added soon, I'm sure that this may be the next step in buying music.
The recording itself is quite impressive. I'm just getting into Radiohead, embarrassingly enough, and am more familiar with their The Bends, Pablo Honey and OK Computer phase. I heard after OK Computer they took a serious left turn in composing their music, but what I'm hearing on In Rainbows isn't too radical. It's more dancey (though would anyone really dance at a Radiohead show?) and reminds me of a drum-and-bass show I saw when I was in Hong Kong. Their music is still beautiful and yet catchy, and so far my favorite song on there has to be "Bodysnatchers" closely followed by "Weird Fishes/Arpeggi."
I do enjoy reading your reviews. I admit though, that it's a great feeling owning a CD and opening that front cover to take a look at the little booklet that comes with it....and then the disappointment when it's just a crap piece of paper with the song credits on it. I'll have to try and listen to their music somehow.
Oh and now I hear that when they release their In Rainbows CD in January 2008, it will contain extra tracks NOT included in the download. I was so mad I could have woofed when I heard that! Telling people they can pay whatever they want for a lowish quality download is one thing. Trying to get Radiohead fans to buy essentially the same thing twice to make more of a profit is sucky.
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